Source: World Oil
The Dande Formation is penetrated by a narrow, fault-bounded horst block. The residual hydrocarbon saturations encountered imply a trap failure at that location. Thin sands are observed in the overlying shale-dominated sequence and may compromise the upper seal or act as steal zones.
when they are juxtaposed across the faults that delimit the structure.
Trap considerations remain a key risk element for Musuma, but the inferred amplitude support there, absent in the Dande Formation above Mukuyu, is a positive indication that the trap is working.
In the event of successful exploration at Musuma, potential follow-up prospects in the Dande deposit (at Mopane and Mururo) also overlap the pebbly Arkose and Angwa prospects. The Angwa formation at these eastern basin prospects is significantly shallower (currently) than at Mukuyu. This stacking
vertical allows testing of multiple prospects with single vertical exploration wells.
The Exalo 202 rig remains on the Mukuyu-2 site and is available for an exploration drilling campaign in 2025. Managing Director Scott Macmillan said: “We are very pleased with the results of the CB23 seismic survey, which has identified material prospectivity in the eastern part of our acreage.
“Successful exploration at these prospects would demonstrate additional potential within the Invictus area.”
This would also help unlock significant additional value in the portfolio and ultimately aligns with the company’s initial gas monetization strategy.